This really made me think. When I was a student, I sometimes went to the library near my parents' place. I confess that I used to be grumpy when I did because it was too noisy! However, I never complained about it, and I just switched to places that had a quiet study room when I really needed to focus.
Now I'm rethinking this grumpiness thanks to your article. The small library near my parents' was not a study room. It was the only library in that quarter, and it was a small place to gather the community. And most of the community gathering there was kids reading their first books, or teenagers working on class assignments with the library's computers.
Of course it was noisy!
Due to some unrelated things going on in my life, I'm thinking a lot about how we should approach a new community. I think we should have an open attitude and try to understand first what's this community about. It makes no sense coming to a new place and rush everybody to accomodate you when you hadn't taken the time to listen to them first.
As usual, I loved your article. Thanks for sharing this, Roz!